Illustrations by Kim Brown-Campbell


Encourage the development of initial consonant blends.


Early educational experiences are part of a child’s speech-language journey. We want children to emerge through this process with vibrancy. Burt’s nocturnal adventures empower and motivate children to re-embrace their spoken word with positive reinforcement.

The acquisition of the consonant cluster has received little attention during this time, even though the consonant cluster is a common feature of speech, its acquisition is one of the most protracted of all aspects of children’s speech development, and the production of consonant clusters is one of the most common difficulties for children with speech impairment.

— Sharynne McLeod, Jan van Doorn & Vicki A. Reed (2001). Normal Acquisition of Consonant Clusters, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 10 (2), (99-110)

Target audience & MANIPULATIVES

Target Audience

  • Preschool & Elementary

  • Children with Speech Delays